Snow Removal Contractors

Find a contractor to clear your snow or apply for a Windrow Removal permit if you are a contractor.

To remove snow from city streets, you must obtain a Windrow Removal Permit. Once obtained, you can be hired by residents to clear windrows from the street. Snow removed from streets can’t be placed back on the street, a nearby median, or on other City property (e.g., parks). It must be placed on appropriate private property or taken to one of The City’s snow storage sites (standard fees will apply).

Interested in becoming a Snow Clearing Contractor?

Contractors can apply for a Windrow Removal Permit and/or register to access The City's snow storage sites. This permit will allow you to remove snow from City property, including windrows on Grey Routes.

What you need to know before applying for a Windrow Removal Permit:

  • Applicants must have a valid City of Red Deer Business License
  • The application fee is $51.90. * Fee may be increased on January 1 of each year by the change in the Alberta average consumer price index.

Print and complete the Windrow Removal Permit application form (pdf) and submit it to Engineering Services at or by calling 403-342-8158 if you require assistance. A minimum of two working days prior notice is required for processing and coordination of these requests.

Residents should note that The City does not regulate the fees contractors may charge for this service.

Snow Removal Contractors:

There are currently no registered snow removal contractors.

Snow Storage Site Access

Our two sites are located at:

  • Northwest of Edgar Industrial Drive, west of Johnstone Drive (northwest of Hammer Equipment Sales); and
  • South of 19 Street, also known as the Delburne Road, on 40 Avenue (south of the Waste Management Facility).

Only snow that has been collected from within the City of Red Deer limits may be dumped at these snow storage sites. ALL loads will be subject to a minimum fee plus GST, as outlined on the registration form. All infractions will result in a total ban from the snow storage sites for the balance of the season.

Carriers that have not been registered will not be allowed access to the snow storage sites. Register now using the Snow Site Access registration form (pdf)

As managed last year, the snow storage sites will be manned as demand dictates, and access will only be permitted when manned.

We remind you that you require a current business license to be carrying out contracted snow removal work in The City of Red Deer. For further information regarding a business license contact the City’s Licensing department at 403-342-8182.

Read the snow storage site letter to users. (pdf)