The City plans to invest the $12.51 million in each of the following 8 action plan initiatives.
Zoning Bylaw and statutory plan amendments including 4 units-as-of-right
Implement city-wide inclusionary zoning and reduce or eliminate burdensome development regulations to encourage more missing middle housing forms.
This includes:
- allowing 4 units as-of-right on all lots in low-density zones
- reducing or eliminating parking minimums city-wide
- reviewing other zone regulations to support 4 units as-of-right including setbacks, height, site coverage, landscaping
Estimated Start Date |
Estimated Completion Date |
In Progress, community engagement starting in Q2 2025 |
February 1, 2026 |
Dollars for Doors – A financial incentive program for new residential units
Provide loans and grants to non-profit and private sectors for the construction of residential units. It is anticipated that this initiative will have the largest impact on creating new units during the program period, specifically by increasing missing middle and higher-density units.
This includes:
- grants for backyard suites and house suites, duplexes, townhouses, and apartments
- higher-density units, such as multi-family units with more than four units, and rental units may be prioritized
- loans to non-profits will be explored to allow the program to incentivize more housing projects for several years
- loans for infrastructure connections directly attributable to new housing development
- Priority will be provided to higher-density projects, but assistance will also be provided for infrastructure connection costs for lower-density missing middle units
Estimated Start Date |
Estimated Completion Date |
April 1, 2025 |
April 1, 2026 |
Permanent supportive housing financial incentive
Increase the number of affordable permanent supportive housing units to meet the identified gap within the local housing system through the development and implementation of a financial incentive program.
This includes:
- municipal grants to expedite the development of permanent supportive housing units
Estimated Start Date |
Estimated Completion Date |
In Progress |
April 1, 2026 |
Rapid residential initiative
This initiative will improve administrative resources to prioritize, fast-track, and waive fees for missing middle residential development applications for multi-family developments facing barriers to being shovel-ready.
This includes:
- improved pre-development concierge support
- pre-zoning and subdivision
- the preparations to pre-approval of the anticipated CMHC design catalogue, and
- a City initiated study to identify existing infrastructure capacity to support faster approvals
Estimated Start Date |
Estimated Completion Date |
April 1, 2026 |
October 1, 2026 |
Land disposition and development preparation for housing
This initiative will implement a process to identify an inventory of surplus and underutilized City-owned lands and buildings that can be made available for housing, including affordable, missing middle and other multi-unit housing.
This includes:
- an assessment of implications for The City
- a review of relevant program and policy approaches
- a policy and guideline approach for the allocation of surplus lands and buildings for the purpose of housing development
- A phase 1 environmental site assessment for identified parcels and the remediation of surplus brownfield sites to a condition suitable for residential development
- the number of sites remediated will be dependent on the level of remediation required, associated costs and funding.
- engagement with non-profit housing providers and the private sector to explore partnership, acquisition and potential lease opportunities
Estimated Start Date |
Estimated Completion Date |
May 1, 2026 |
May 1, 2027 |
Process improvements and red tape reduction for permits and applications
This initiative will improve the efficiency of application and approval processes, resulting in more timely and transparent development decisions. The goal of this initiative is to reduce approval times for applications up to 25% for specific developments and enhance the development experience for applicants. This initiative would allow the City to have a consolidated and cohesive system for several applications such as development permits, rezoning, subdivision, and development agreements.
This includes:
- the enhancement and expansion of the digitization of permits, applications, and agreements for the entire development process
- internal policies and procedures to prioritize affordable housing applications
- enhanced pre-application consultation, and
- increased delegation of decision authority to staff
This may include:
- improvements to the digitization of bylaws and improvements to geo-location systems and customer service systems
Estimated Start Date |
Estimated Completion Date |
October 1, 2026 |
July 1, 2027 |
Transit proximity and policy changes to incentivise housing including 8 units not as-of-right
This initiative will amend the Zoning Bylaw and other city documents to improve regulations that incentivize residential development in proximity to transit services. Amendments will be city-wide but prioritized within 800m of high-frequency transit routes and transit hubs. The goal of this initiative is to encourage new development within 800m of its high-frequency transit route.
This includes:
- allowing more as-of-right development
- increased residential density including 8 units not as-of-right in more locations
- increased building heights
- reduced parking requirements
Estimated Start Date |
Estimated Completion Date |
In Progress, community engagement starting in Q2 2025 |
December 1, 2026 |
Housing strategy update
This initiative will update the City's affordable housing strategy strategically looking at all the housing needs for all residents, including priority groups facing greater challenges in housing.
This includes:
- working with the Housing and Homelessness Integration Committee to explore opportunities for collaboration to support a fulsome housing strategy
- addition of full spectrum housing into the Community Housing and Homelessness Integrated Plan
- amendments to the Municipal Development Plan to support housing changes
Estimated Start Date |
Estimated Completion Date |
May 1, 2025 |
July 1, 2026 |