Growth and Annexation

Learn more about The City's projected growth and annexation exploration.
Capstone aerial view at night


Real Estate Growth Projections

In 2023 The City of Red Deer retained the services of Colliers Planning & Placemaking Group to provide Real Estate Growth Projections. These projections include updated population projections as well as demand and supply analyses for residential, retail, office, and industrial land uses in The City of Red Deer.

Real Estate Growth Projections (pdf)


The Growth Monitoring Report is intended to support an integrated approach to growing smarter. Within this report you will find regional, city-wide and district-specific growth monitoring information. This report is meant to be a summary resource for City Council, administration, citizens, and community members to understand how we are doing in meeting shared goals in an effort to ensure Red Deer's growth occurs in an integrated way. Its aim is to help paint a more complete picture of growth activity in both new and established areas of our city.

View the Growth Monitoring Report (pdf).


Annexation is a tool used by municipalities to realign jurisdictional boundaries to ensure sufficient developable land supply for long-term development.

Learn about current annexation areas...