Greetings, my dear Red Deerians!
What an extraordinary month March has been! From the remarkable $10 million cardiac catheterization donation, a generous gift from the Donald Family, to the approval of $13 million for crucial housing projects, not to mention our local teams claiming numerous provincial titles, the arrival of a new Prime Minister, and the announcement of a Federal election call — it’s been a month full of milestones and change.
As I reflect on all these developments, I also pause to consider an event in March that showed a different side of our community. A troubling gathering outside the Care for Newcomers and the Central Alberta Immigrant Women’s Association of Alberta called for the deportation of immigrants, in a language of hate and white supremacy. But thankfully, this was followed by a powerful and heartening response: the “Hugs vs. Hate” community gathering, which truly reflected the welcoming spirit of Red Deer.
In that same week, local journalist and blogger Josh Hall published an outstanding piece on anti-racism, and I was honored to participate. So many of you, my fellow Red Deerians, reached out to express your disgust at the racist message and to reaffirm your commitment to keeping our community welcoming and inclusive. Red Deer’s true heart was on full display, I am so encouraged.
Sadly, my friends, I regret to say much remains to be done so that the stain of racism is finally blotted out. I strongly encourage you to read the December 2023 study by the Red Deer Local Immigration Partnership (RDLIP), titled “Anti-Racism Asset Mapping: Red Deer, Alberta.” It offers a sobering look at how our city is experienced by Indigenous and immigrant populations. For many, it’s not the same Red Deer that the rest of us experience.
We may wonder, what can we do to address racism? After all, it’s a question that’s been asked across North America and the world for centuries. And yes, we do have laws and community standards in place to combat discrimination. There are countless reports, investigations, court cases, and tribunals, not to mention books, plays, music, and movies that explore the issue. Yet, the hurt, fear, and racism persist.
The truth is, we can’t legislate acceptance. That must come from our hearts. It must come from a genuine desire to connect, share, and learn from one another. Immigration built this country — I’m an immigrant, and so are all non-Indigenous people among us.
While legislation ensures our rights as minority individuals, it is inclusion that says, “You are welcome here.”
May I suggest we take the time to educate ourselves. You may say “how the heck would I do that?” I am not speaking of attending classes or reading books. I’m talking about genuine human connection.
Titilope Sonuga, an Edmontonian poet of international acclaim, writes poignantly about her experience moving to Canada from Nigeria at the age of 13. One line from her poetry particularly resonated with me: “Festival is just another way we say, you are welcome here.” If we truly want to welcome others, if we want to include and educate ourselves, our neighbors, and our children, we need to engage and participate.
Take the time to enjoy a meal at an ethnic restaurant — Red Deer has so many to offer. Take a moment to meet the chefs, talk to the owners, and explore the ethnic supermarkets around town. Attend a cultural celebration or feast day; they’re often advertised in various media. Experience an Indigenous ceremony, celebration, or powwow. Most importantly, take the time to connect with your neighbors.
You can make a difference. You can be a role model. Most of all, by making these connections, you’ll be fostering a sense of belonging in others while nurturing the precious values of inclusion and community.
Let’s continue to work together to ensure that Red Deer remains a place where everyone truly feels welcome.
Until next time!
Mayor Ken Johnston