Revenue & Assessment Services
The Revenue & Assessment department manages property tax and assessment, utility billing and revenue collection for The City. Connect with us if you have questions or concerns about taxes, property values, utilities, or billing.

General Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Statutory Holidays
Fourth Floor, City Hall
4914-48 Avenue
Mailing Address
The City of Red Deer
Revenue & Assessment Services Dept.
Box 5008
Red Deer, AB T4N 3T4
Main Contact Information
Accounts Receivable: 403-342-8110
Assessment: 403-342-8235
Taxation: 403-342-8126
Utilities - billing and payment inquiries: 403-342-8203
Department Responsibilities
Accounts Receivable
- Provides corporate billing and collection services for a wide range of City revenues including; ambulance, transit passes and miscellaneous items that require The City to send a bill for services like damage to City property.
- Provides assistance for customers with any City invoice questions or concerns.
- Providing fair and equitable property assessment and valuation of all properties in The City of Red Deer including residential homes, commercial and industrial enterprises and some farm land. This is the value that property taxes become payable on.
- Provides business assessments for all businesses located within the boundaries of the Downtown Business Revitalization Zone (BRZ).
- Provide citizens service in respect of assessed property values.
Payment Handling
- Provides payment services in person, on the 1st floor of City Hall, as well as online through financial institutions or The City’s website. For services like Utility Billing, transit passes, property taxes, tickets, licenses, permits, parking or signing up for Pre-authorized withdrawal (PAWS), staff are available to respond to all inquiries.
- Responsible for the billing and collection of all City property taxes, including the education and Piper Creek Foundation requisitions that are collected on behalf of other bodies.
- Responsible for the property Tax sale process when taxes are in arrears.
- Manages the Tax Instalment Plan (Tip) for monthly payment of taxes.
- Provide citizens service in respect of property taxes.
Utility Billing
- Bills and collects the money to fund our water, wastewater, recycle and landfill operations in Environmental Services.
- This service-oriented group works closely with Environmental Services to provide customer service to all our utility customers in The City of Red Deer.