Information & Technology Services
The Information & Technology Services department provides information management, systems, and technology solutions through a balanced approach of leadership and partnership with all City departments and its agencies to deliver effective and efficient municipal programs and services.

General Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Statutory Holidays
Main Contact Information
Main Phone Line: 403-342-8392
Fax: 403-342-8335
Fourth Floor, City Hall
4914-48 Avenue
Mailing Address
Department Responsibilities
Acquire, preserve, and make available to the public and City staff, records of historic and evidentiary value about The City, the community and the region around Red Deer.
Business Solutions
Develop and support information systems.
Geographical Information Systems
Capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data.
Projects Planning & Control
Information Technology architectural planning, design and implementation.
Records & Information Management (RIM)
Assist business units in establishing and implementing records and information management. Our core service areas are department implementation and support, shredding coordination, disposition, eDOCS (Hummingbird DM) administration, records centre management, RIM standards, and training.
Technology Service Centre & Operations
Provide technology and support for desktop, print and data services for City departments.