Located throughout downtown parking areas, fast tap signs allow payment through the HotSpot website with a quick scan code. You don’t need an account to use fast tap signs and can pay with a credit card.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Note: If you are experiencing connection issues, we suggest turning off ShawOpen wifi network on your phone while you set up your parking session. Remember to turn it back on when your transaction is complete.
- Use the built-in camera on your phone to scan the quick-scan QR code on the fast tap sign nearest to your parked vehicle. Do not use a third party code scanning app. After scanning the code, ensure that the website you see is the official HotSpot site (hotspotparking.com) before interacting or providing payment information. Scroll down to see a screenshot example.
- Confirm the location on the screen matches the location of your vehicle (either a street name or 4-digit zone number.
- Enter your licence plate number and ensure it is correct. Note: Alberta does not recognize the letter O on a plate. It is always the number 0 (zero).
- Enter the amount of time you wish to park.
- Confirm all details are correct and click the payment button.
Fast Tap signs - used for HOURLY sessions:

Fast Tap signs in parking lots - used for MONTHLY permits only:

Fast Tap parking transaction
This is what your screen should look like after scanning a fast tap sign:

Note: Parking sessions that are initiated through a fast tap sign cannot be extended or refunded. These features require an account and can be accessed through the app.