Upcoming Public Hearings

Public hearings provide an opportunity for members of the public to speak to Council on advertised planning and development matters and other matters as determined by Council.

Scheduled Public Hearings will be posted here as available.

Zoning Bylaw Amendment 3357/SS-2024
An amendment to provide City staff and the public with clear interpretation and increased flexibility in the implementation of the Zoning Bylaw.

Red Deer City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, City Hall to consider Zoning Bylaw 3357/SS-2024. An amendment to the Zoning Bylaw to provide City staff and the public with clear interpretation and increased flexibility in the implementation of the Zoning Bylaw; to rezone 480 Timberlands Dr and 488 Timberlands Dr from Residential Wide Zone (R-W) to Residential Small Scale Mixed Use (R-SMU);and to zone 2233 50 Ave as Parks and Recreation Zone (P-1) Zoning designation.

You may view the proposed bylaw here:

3357/SS-2024 (pdf)

Bylaw 3357/SS-2024 Schedule A Maps (pdf)

City Council will receive comments from any person claiming to be affected by the proposed bylaw and will consider these at the Public Hearing. Council Chambers is Open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend in-person. Public may also participate in this Public Hearing by submitting written comments or by phone in accordance to Schedule E of the Procedure Bylaw (link below)

Written Submission
Members of public wishing to submit written comments on this Public Hearing matter may do so by:

  • Completing and submitting the Public Hearing Submission Form;
  • Emailing your comments to publichearings@reddeer.ca;
  • Dropping off a written copy of your submission at City Hall (4914 48 Avenue) during business hours to the attention of Red Deer City Council c/o Clerk, Legal & Legislative Services; or
  • Mailing your submission to Red Deer City Council c/o Clerk, Legal & Legislative Services, Box 5008, Red Deer, AB T4N 3T4.

Deadline to submit written comments is 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 4, 2024.

Late submissions will not be included in the published Council Agenda. Written comments must be received by the Clerk, Legal & Legislative Services by the deadline in order to be included in the published Council Agenda.

Material(s) submitted for Council’s consideration at the Public Hearing must form part of the public record and will appear on the Council Agenda in the same format that they are received by the Clerk. Personal information will not be redacted. The Clerk may withhold a public submission from the Council Agenda if the Clerk, after consulting legal counsel, concludes the submission contains: hate speech; discriminatory language; or defamatory language.

If you miss the deadline to submit written comments, have additional information to share, or wish to speak directly to Council, you may still participate and provide your comments directly to Council at the Public Hearing over the phone.

Effective May 9, 2022, new Public Hearing procedures are in effect (Schedule E of Procedure Bylaw). Any person who wishes to address Council on this Public Hearing matter may do so for a period of five (5) minutes. The five (5) minutes does not include the time required to answer questions from City Council. Persons addressing Council shall limit their comments to this Public Hearing matter and the recommendations being discussed.

For more information on participation visit the Participation in Public Hearings page.

View the Public Hearing
The Public Hearing and Council’s debate will be live streamed at https://meeting.reddeer.ca.

If you have questions about the proposed bylaw, please contact Kimberly Fils-Aime, Senior Planner, at 403-406-8702 or email kimberly.fils-aime@reddeer.ca.

If you have questions regarding the use of your submission, participation, or Public Hearing procedures, contact the Clerk at 403-342-8132 or email publichearings@reddeer.ca.