Pedestrian Signal Head
Pedestrian signals are installed at each leg of an intersection where pedestrians are permitted to cross. If pedestrian crossing is prohibited, Pedestrian Prohibited signs are installed. Pedestrian pushbuttons are installed to prompt the walk light and give time to safely cross the street.
Pedestrian signals are used to enable pedestrians to cross the streets safely. The white walking person symbol indicates it is safe to begin crossing the street. The flashing hand symbol indicates it is no longer safe to start crossing the street.
Pedestrians already in the crosswalk can finish crossing the street. The solid hand symbol indicates that pedestrian should not be in the crosswalk.
Pedestrian Countdown Timer
Pedestrian countdown timers at intersections are for pedestrians only. The countdown timer shows the time left to finish crossing the street before the solid hand symbol is displayed. The countdown timer may time out
before the green traffic signal actually changes phases.

Information on Pedestrian Signals is available in the Crossing the Street brochure (pdf) or in the Traffic Section's Frequently Asked Questions.
What you need to know
Here’s what drivers and pedestrians need to know about using Pedestrian Signals:
As a pedestrian
As a driver
- Push the pedestrian pushbutton and wait for the white walking person symbol to display before starting your crossing.
- Remember to watch for turning vehicles while crossing.
- Don’t cross the road if the solid steady hand symbol is showing.
- Pedestrian countdown timers are for pedestrians and not for vehicles.
- Remember to watch for pedestrians in the crosswalk if turning.
- Proceed only when the pedestrians have fully cleared the crosswalk.
- Failure to yield to a pedestrian in a cross walk results in a $776 fine and four demerits.