About Red Deer Transit

How to use Red Deer transit, what you can bring on board and service hours.

Photo of a City of Red Deer Transit bus

Hours of Operation

Transit Customer Service Centre Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Main Contact Information

Transit Customer Service Centre
Sorensen Station Transit Terminal/Parkade
4830 - 48 Street, Red Deer, AB
Phone: 403-342-8225
Email: transit@reddeer.ca

Hours of Operation

Bus Service

Monday to Saturday

Start times vary by route. Please see our schedules page for more information.

Sunday and Holidays*

Start times vary by route. Please see our schedules page for more information.

*Red Deer Transit does not operate on Easter Sunday, Christmas Day or New Years Day*

Transit Customer Service Centre Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

*Customer Service is closed all weekends and Statutory Holidays*

Transit Offices and Contact Information

Transit Customer Service Centre
Sorensen Station Transit Terminal/Parkade
4830 - 48 Street, Red Deer, AB

Transit Administration
Civic Yards
200, 7721 - 40 Avenue

Mailing Address:
Transit Deparment
P.O. Box 5008
Red Deer, AB, Canada T4N 3T4

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.




For Information on Advertising:

Call Reid Signs 403-350-1667 or visit Advertising Opportunities

Boarding the Bus
  • If a transfer is required, please ask the Operator as you board the bus.
  • Stand back from the curb while waiting at the bus stop.
  • Use caution when entering and exiting the bus.
  • For the convenience of those boarding, please exit by the rear door.
  • Have your fare ready. Operators do not carry change or handle money.
  • When boarding your bus, step to the back of the bus to permit free flow of passengers to the exits.
  • When there are empty seats available, passengers should be seated and refrain from standing.

For safety reasons please refrain from engaging in conversation with the Operator.

Bike and Ride Program

Loading your bicycle

  • Remove water bottles, pumps or any loose items that may fall off.
  • Pull down to release the folded bike rack using one hand.
  • Lift your bike onto the rack, fitting the wheels into the slots. Each slot is labeled to let you know where your front and rear wheels should go.
  • Remember to load your bike in the outside slot first.
  • Raise and release the support arm over the top of the front tire. Be sure the support arm is resting on your bike tire and not on the fender or frame.
  • Always load and unload your bike from the passenger side of the bus.

Unloading your bicycle

  • Remember to let the Operator know that you need to unload your bike.
  • Raise the support arm off of your bike. Move the support arm down and out of your way.
  • Lift your bike out of the rack.
  • Fold up the bike rack if there is no other bike in it.

The operator of the bicycle is responsible for loading and unloading their bicycle from the bike rack.

For safety reasons, the driver cannot get off of the bus to help you. However, he or she can give you further instructions.


The City of Red Deer is not responsible for damages incurred or caused by bicycles on Red Deer Transit property.

Baby Strollers
  • We recommend strollers be lightweight, small in size and foldable.
  • Children should be removed from strollers and held safely in the arms of the caregiver.
  • Passengers choosing to leave children in strollers should:
    • Proceed to the wheelchair locations.
    • Raise the seats to expose the wheelchair area.
    • Park the stroller with the braking device applied.
    • When exiting the bus, the wheelchair area seats should be lowered as a courtesy to the next passenger.
  • Please note that passengers in wheelchairs have priority for the wheelchair areas. If passengers in wheelchairs wish to use the wheelchair area the passenger with the stroller should remove the child from the stroller, fold it and proceed to another seated area of the bus.

Assisting with Boarding of Strollers

Passengers requiring assistance when boarding with strollers should have a companion. Transit Operators may assist where possible upon request, unless circumstances prevent them from doing so.

Rush Hour and Busy Routes (Crowded Buses)

During busier times, where overcrowding exists, Transit Operators have the right to refuse customers with unfolded strollers.

Lost and Found

All lost and found items are available for pick-up at:

Transit Customer Service Centre
Sorensen Station terminal
4890 - 48 Street

Items can be retrieved Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. excluding Stat Holidays.

Pets on Board

Small dogs and cats may be allowed on board if the following apply:

  • They are contained in fully enclosed, clean, hand held crates appropriate to the animal's size.
  • Their crate has a solid bottom to contain any animal waste.
  • The crate is small enough to fit in the owners lap.
  • Only one hand held crate per passenger allowed.
  • Passengers are responsible for their pets and must hold onto crates at all times. If there is room on the bus, crates may be placed on the floor beside the owner without blocking the aisle or other passengers.

Pets may be refused if they misbehave or pose a health or safety risk. Concerns with allergies are minimized when pets are contained in crates, which reduces the spread of dander. If a passenger with pet allergies notifies the driver of a problem, the passenger carrying a pet on board may be placed in a different location on the bus.

The above restrictions do not apply to Assistant/Service Dogs.

Certified Service Animals

Certified service animals accompanying a visually, hearing, or medically challenged person are permitted on City Transit buses (this includes Action buses). There is no additional charge for certified service animals.

Transit Holiday Hours


January 1 - New Year's Day
  • No Transit Service
  • Customer Service is closed
January 2
  • Transit operates on the regular weekday schedule
February 17 - Family Day
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule 
  • Customer Service is closed 
April 18 - Good Friday
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule
  • Customer Service is closed
April 20 - Easter Sunday
  • No Transit Service 
  • Customer Service is closed
April 21 - Easter Monday
  • Transit operates on the regular weekday schedule
  • Customer Service is closed
May 19 - Victoria Day
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule 
  • Customer Service is closed
July 1 - Canada Day
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule 
  • Customer Service is closed
August 4 - Heritage Day
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule 
  • Customer Service is closed
September 1 - Labour Day
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule 
  • Customer Service is closed
September 30 - National Day of Truth & Reconciliation
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule
  • Customer service is closed
October 13 - Thanksgiving
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule 
  • Customer Service is closed
November 11 - Remembrance Day
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule 
  • Customer Service is closed
December 24 - Christmas Eve
  • Transit operates on regular service schedule with service ending at 6:45 p.m.
  • 6:45 p.m. - Last departure from Sorensen Station
  • Customer Service will close at 12pm
December 25 - Christmas Day
  • No Transit Service
  • Customer Service is closed until January 2, 2026
December 26 - Boxing Day
  • Transit operates on the Sunday/Holiday schedule 
  • Customer Service is closed until January 2, 2026
December 27 - 30
  • Transit operates regular service schedule
  • Customer service is closed until January 2, 2026
December 31 - New Year's Eve
  • Transit operates regular service schedule
  • Customer service is closed until January 2, 2026
January 1, 2026
  • No Transit Service
  • Customer Service is closed until January 2, 2025
January 2, 2026
  • Transit operates regular service schedule
  • Customer service is open regular hours