- 1021-CA Beverages for Staff (pdf)
This policy establishes equitable and financially responsible practices for providing beverages to staff.
- 1022-CA City Manager Delegation (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to provide the delegation of powers, duties, and functions of the City Manager.
- 1023-CA Corporate Appeals (pdf)
This policy establishes a mechanism for the timely and appropriate review of administrative decisions.
Corporate Policies
Corporate Policies are City Manager directions and interpretations of Council Policies. They answer questions of what, why, and who and are approved by the City Manager.
The City's corporate policies are inward-facing in that they primarily impact and address City employees, contractors, and consultants.
- 3009-CA Letters of Support (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to identify the requirements for The City to provide letters of support to organizations and individuals in the community.
- 3106-CA Public Art (pdf)
This policy establishes requirements and standards to ensure the best quality of art for The City’s Public Art Collection and to incorporate and integrate public art into the planning, design, and building of capital works projects.
- 3125-CA Public Art- Re-Siting or Deaccessioning (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to provide the conditions for the re-siting or deaccessioning of artwork within The City’s public art collection.
- 3141-CA Urban Encampment Response (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to outline the guidelines when responding to reports of urban encampments, to support individuals experiencing homelessness encountered on public land, to ensure the safety of employees, and to increase the enjoyment and safety of our city's trail and parks.
- 3410-CA Idle Free (pdf)
The City strives to improve the quality of life for its residents by protecting the natural environment, as such this policy is intended to reduce City operation expenses, lower emissions produced by City vehicles and improve air quality for residents and employees.
- 3411-CA Fleet (pdf)
This policy outlines the roles and responsibilities of those involved in fleet and fleet resource usage and management.
- 3504-CA Water Conservation (pdf)
This policy guides City staff with the selection and implementation of water conservation and efficiency measures at City facilities.
- 3505-CA Environmental Sustainability (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate the City’s leadership in environmental sustainability and to communicate The City’s expectations of employees related to environmentally sustainable practices in the workplace.
- 6305-CA Planning & Development (pdf)
This policy establishes and implements planning guidelines, standards, and procedures in accordance with Council’s Planning and Development Policy. - 6306-CA Telecommunication Facilities (pdf)
This policy establishes compliance with Industry Canada for the placement of telecommunications facilities within the City of Red Deer.
- 6401-CA Slope Stability (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to set a clear guideline for Engineering Services to respond to inquiries regarding slope stability.
- 6402-CA Pedestrian Crossings (pdf)
This policy provides direction to Administration when determining the appropriate Pedestrian Crossing Control Device for a particular location.
- 5303-CA Corporate Procurement (pdf)
This policy establishes the direction, philosophies, and values for the procurement of goods and services for The City and to address the legislative and liability restrictions The City works within while enabling departments to effectively carry out their business.
- 5304-CA Travel & Business Expense Reimbursement (pdf)
Developed to comply with the Canada Revenue Agency law and requirements, the purpose of this policy is to provide reasonable reimbursement to staff for expenses incurred while conducting authorized City business.
- 5311-CA Corporate Procurement Card (pdf)
This policy provides a convenient, efficient, and effective method of procuring and paying for low dollar goods and services.
- 5312-CA Short Term Investment (pdf)
This policy provides The City with a high level of safety and security while achieving the best investment return, meeting cash flow requirements and conforming to applicable legislation for securities with a maturity date that does not exceed one year.
- 5312.01-CA Long Term Investment (pdf)
This policy provides the City with a high level of safety and security while achieving the best investment return, meeting cash flow requirements and conforming to applicable legislation for securities with a maturity date that exceeds one year.
- 5313-CA Borrowing (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the issuance and monitoring of new debt.
- 5314-CA Corporate Loans & Guarantees (pdf)
This policy assigns authority for administration of corporate lending and guarantees.
- 5315-CA Internal Borrowing (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the issuance and monitoring of new debt.
- 5322-CA Use of Construction Financing for Capital Projects (pdf)
This policy delegates authority for the use of construction financing for capital projects.
- 5324-CA Tangible Capital Assets (pdf)
This policy defines tangible capital assets and their accounting treatment and ensures capitalization, amortization, and subsequent changes of tangible capital assets are performed in a consistent manner throughout the organization.
- 5326-CA Contracts (pdf)
This policy ensures The City’s contracting processes and standards are consistent, transparent, promote sound financial stewardship, provide a sound system of internal controls, and balance efficiency of operations with risk.
- 5326.01-CA COVID-19: Execution of Contracts (pdf)
This policy ensures business continuity pertaining to the execution of contracts in a manner that will mitigate risks to the City while allowing the use of electronic signatures. The policy also is to supplement the existing Contracts Policy (5326-CA) and Contracts Procedure (5326-CP) to allow the City to continue to execute during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- 5327-CA Financial Reporting & Accounting (pdf)
This purpose of this policy is to meet statutory and standard framework of guidelines reporting requirements, to provide a set of standards for accounting policies used in preparation of the official consolidated financial statements of The City, and to achieve consistency and improve disclosure in financial reporting for The City.
- 5327.01-CP Restructuring Transactions (pdf)
This policy is to provide guidance for departments to account for Restructuring Transactions in accordance with the Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAS).
- 5331-CA Disposal of Surplus & Unclaimed Items (pdf)
The purpose of the policy is to provide direction for the proper disposal of surplus City material and equipment and unclaimed lost and found items in The City’s possession.
- 5333-CA Investment Income Earnings Allocation (pdf)
This policy provides direction to the allocation of investment income earnings.
- 5334-CA Operating Budget Revisions (pdf)
This policy establishes the authority levels and guidelines for operating budget revisions provided the net impact to the budget must be zero and that service levels are not altered. This policy also establishes the authority levels for operating budget revisions.
- 5354-CA Corporate Banking and Payment Handling (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to provide parameters and requirements for secure, consistent handling of payments made to The City.
- 5355-CA Accounts Payable - Transactions and Payments (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to outline the accounts payable payment practices for The City.
- 5356-CA Donations (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to provide criteria for accepting donations, to clarify the difference between donations and sponsorship, and to ensure donations are accepted within the parameters set by the Canada Revenue Agency. - 5357-CA Related Party Disclosure (pdf)
This policy identifies related parties of The City as defined by the Public Sector Accounting Board and determining when transactions between these related parties and The City are required for disclosure in the Annual Financial Report.
- 5359-CA Bidder Barring (pdf)
This purpose of this policy is to protect the interests of The City and the public from unscrupulous or poor-performing suppliers and contractors, to ensure the integrity of the bidding process for all procurements, and to ensure appropriate review is conducted prior to suspending bidding privileges.
- 6120-CA Private Vehicle Use & Parking (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the provision of parking and compensation to City employees who requires the use of a private vehicle to carry out responsibilities as per their job descriptions.
- 6121-CA Private Vehicle Use & Parking Compensation (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish compensation guidelines for private vehicle use and parking.
- 6129-CA Permanent Parking Meter Removal (pdf)
This policy outlines the provisions for parking meter removal.
- 6132-CA Public Parking & Use of Streets (pdf)
This policy delegates the administration of public parking and use of streets to the appropriate department manager.
- 6201-CA Land Bank Ownership & Administration Responsibilities (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish a policy to define the responsibilities for those departments involved in administering the City Land Bank and Subdivision Fund.
- 5002-CA Assigning Costs for Vehicle Accidents (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to increase awareness of vehicle accident costs and to establish guidelines for assigning responsibility for costs associated with vehicle accidents involving The City.
- 5003-CA Revenue and Expenditure Budget Controls (pdf)
This policy establishes the authority levels and guidelines for budgeted revenues and expenditures.
- 5004-CA Enterprise Asset Management Program (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to facilitate logical, methodical, and informed decision-making for the life cycle planning of assets to achieve greater asset sustainability and effective allocation of resources.
- 5025-CA Legal Services (pdf)
This policy outlines the provision of legal services at The City.
- 5026-CA Insurance Coverage and Claims (pdf)
This policy ensures centralized coordination and administration of insurance coverage and claims filed against or by The City.
- 5027-CA Postal Interruption (pdf)
This policy establishes the overall direction for any interruption of Canada Post mail service in order to protect revenue streams and ensure compliance with legal and legislative requirements and ensure a level of service that minimizes the impacts of the interruption and provide alternate mechanism for the delivery and receipt of City mail.
- 5029-CA Integrated Risk Management (pdf)
This policy outlines a proactive and systematic corporate approach to managing risks that impact The City’s ability to achieve its objectives.
- 5102-CA Social Media - Standards (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to outline the corporate standards of communicating The City’s business to the public online via social media and social networking sites in order to ensure consistency in the organization.
- 5103-CA Media Relations (pdf)
This policy provides City employees direction on who responds to media inquiries, in what circumstances, and how to respond to help protect The City’s reputation, its employees, and to provide clarity for making public statements on behalf of The City.
- 5104-CA Public Participation (pdf)
This policy establishes the foundation for meaningful and effective public participation. In addition to this, it also outlines the guidelines for The City’s approach to the development and implementation of public participation processes.
- 5105-CA Visual Identity (pdf)
The purpose of this Policy is to outline the appropriate use of The City’s Visual Identity elements.
- 2001-CA Driver Records (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish the maintenance of employee driver records to limit the risk of liability to The City relating to the operation of City owned or leased vehicles.
- 2005-CA Occupational Health & Safety (pdf)
This policy protects and ensures the safety and health of all workers and the public in The City’s operations and to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It also prevents the loss of human and financial resources, productivity, and material that occur as a result of incidents or injuries from unsafe acts or working conditions.
- 2006-CA Rehabilitation Abstracts (pdf)
This policy facilitates an employee’s return to work from injury and illness, which cause both short and long term absence and lessen frequent casual sick leave. The policy is also established to help employees achieve maximum possible physical and mental fitness.
- 2010-CA Employment of Relatives (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to ensure employees are not placed in positions where a conflict of interest may occur as a result of a family relationship.
- 2011-CA Parenting Leave (pdf)
This policy provides guidelines for an adequate period of absence from work to care for newborn baby or adopted child. It also outlines conditions for maternity/parental/attending leave eligibility, commencement and return pay, benefit coverage, and premium payment.
- 2012-CA Vacation (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the administration of vacation to ensure that employees have a rest and return to work refreshed and to ensure that vacation entitlement is taken each year and that it does not create unmanageable liability for The City.
- 2013-CA Compressed Work Week (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to provide employees with some flexibility in work schedules while maintaining service levels as well as provide guidelines for the administration of compressed work week schedules.
- 2014-CA Customer Service (pdf)
This policy sets out expectations for providing high quality service to customers, both inside and outside the organization for The City.
- 2016-CA Driver Education and Training (pdf)
This policy is intended to minimize the number of accidents employees are involved in while operating City owned and leased vehicles, City owned and leased equipment and personal vehicles on City business.
- 2017-CA Annual Safety Awards (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines to provide significant positive and tangible recognition annually to those employees in outside higher risk occupations.
- 2018-CA Attendance (pdf)
This policy outlines The City’s expectations regarding employee attendance, communicate the attendance needs of the organization to employees so they can understand and identify with them, and provide guidelines for supervisors and employees to ensure consistent application of attendance policy and provision of leave benefits.
- 2020-CA Vehicle and Equipment Operation (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to promote safe and acceptable operations of City owned, City leased or personal vehicles, powered mobile equipment while employees perform work on behalf of The City. It is also intended to minimize the number of accidents employees are involved in while operating City vehicles, City equipment, and personal vehicles on City business. This policy is also intended to limit the risk of liability to the City and to comply with the Occupational Health & Safety Act.
- 2021-CA Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP) (pdf)
This policy outlines The City’s LAPP administration practices for employee pension eligibility and pensionable/non-pensionable earnings. This policy is also developed to comply with LAPP requirements.
- 2024-CA Respectful Workplace (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to reaffirm The City’s commitment to the corporate Cornerstone Values, particularly Respect, create a vibrant, respectful workplace environment that embraces the safety, well-being, dignity, diverse, and productivity of all, and to foster respectful and courteous interactions. The policy also identifies behaviours considered respectful and disrespectful in a City workplace and in the delivery of or access to City services, empowers people to resolve issues of perceived disrespectful behaviour, address disrespectful behaviour, and to ensure a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and bullying in compliance with pertinent legislation.
- 2025-CA Ethical Standards (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to encourage ethical conduct by outlining expected behaviour standards, to discourage unethical conduct by outlining potential consequences, and to encourage employees to bring forward ethical concerns in the public interest.
- 2027-CA Volunteering (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to provide employee guidelines for volunteer activities.
- 2201-CA Hazard Assessment, Elimination and Control (pdf)
This policy provides safe work site by identifying and assessing existing and potential hazards and minimizing the exposure to workers through elimination and control.
- 2202-CA Health and Safety Orientation (pdf)
This policy ensures workers are aware of the existing hazards they are likely to be exposed to in the workplace and the controls used to minimize exposure to these hazards.
- 2203-CA Workplace Inspections (pdf)
This policy ensures departments meet government regulations and The City’s health and safety standards in providing workers with a reasonably safe and health place to work and to comply with the Occupational Health & Safety Act.
- 2204-CA Personal Protective Equipment & Clothing (pdf)
This purpose of this policy is to protect City workers from harm while performing work that may involve hazardous or dangerous conditions or materials and to comply with Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
- 2205-CA Working Alone (pdf)
This policy ensures the protection of workers who are performing their duties in areas or under conditions where they are on their own and to comply with the Occupation Health & Safety Act.
- 2206-CA Vehicle & Powered Equipment Maintenance (pdf)
Developed to comply with the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Traffic Safety Act, this policy enables the safe operating condition of vehicles and powered equipment, owned, and leased by The City. It also ensures the proper and cost effective maintenance of City owned and leased vehicles and powered equipment and to prolonged the useful life of City owned vehicles and powered equipment.
- 2208-CA Workplace Violence (pdf)
Developed to comply with the Occupation Health & Safety Code of Alberta, this policy ensures violence practices are established to create and maintain a respectful and safe work environment, free from violence and to support The City’s cornerstone value of Respect.
- 2209-CA Emergency Preparedness-Rescue & Evacuation (pdf)
Developed to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation, and Code of Alberta, this policy ensures The City is prepared to respond to emergencies that may require rescue or evacuation from City facilities.
- 2211-CA Bomb & Other Threat (pdf)
This policy provides guidelines in case of a bomb or other threat.
- 2212-CA Corporate Security (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe environment for City employees, contracts and the public and to protect the City's information, infrastructure, and assets from damage, compromise and loss.
- 2214-CA Substance Use and Fitness for Duty (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to reinforce The City’s commitment to providing a safe work environment, free from the dangers posed by workers who are not fit for duty, for all of its workers and others who might be present in the public work environment or impacted by the safety of work environment, including members of the public. This policy also establishes The City’s expectations of its workers with respect to alcohol, drugs, and medications, including the potential consequences of non-compliance with those expectations.
- 2225-CA Hybrid Work (pdf)
This policy outlines Hybrid Work arrangement options for City employees. It outlines clear expectations and accountabilities while protecting and ensuring the health and safety of employees when working offsite.
- This policy establishes the guidelines for the issuance of employee ID cards and its use while at work or when representing The City in any official capacity in an effort to provide a safe and secure workplace for all employees.
- 5201-CA Information Technology Usage and Security (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish standards to protect the integrity of The City’s information technology systems, services, and networks, protect the integrity of personal information in the custody of The City, and promote acceptable use of The City’s information technology systems. The policy also informs authorized users of The City’s information technology systems of the consequences for inappropriate and/or fraudulent use.
- 5206-CA Civic Address and Street Naming (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish authority for the civic address and street naming with the GIS Section within the Information Technology Department, to identify the administrative working group structure and mandate for civic address and street naming, and to provide the fundamental principles The City uses to guide civic address and street naming.
- 5207-CA Information Management (pdf)
This policy provides direction and governance to the effective and efficient management of City information assets.
- 5208-CA Public/Guest Wireless Use Policy (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to guide the acceptable use of The City Public/Guest Wireless Network.
- 5210-CA Records Management (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to manage the corporate records of The City.
- 5212-CA Open Data (pdf)
This policy sets out the principles within which The City manages its Open Data Catalogue.
- 7007-CA City of Red Deer Advertising (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to provide a coordinated approach to corporate advertising for The City.
- 7013-CA Meetings in City Hall (pdf)
This policy sets out guidelines related to booking meetings in City Hall - 7016-CA Access to Information & Protection of Privacy (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to outline the delegation of roles and responsibilities under the FOIP Act.
- 7019-CA Assessment Complaint Fees (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish the fees payable by a complainant for the filing of a complaint for assessment matters.
- 7060-CA Commissioners of Oaths (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to set guidelines for staff that are Commissioners for Oaths.
- 7063-CA Corporate Administrative Policies and Procedures (pdf)
This policy establishes guidelines for the preparation and approval of new and amended Corporate Administrative Policies and Corporate Administrative Procedures.
- 7069-CA Flags and Lighting Downtown Protocols (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to set out the protocols for lighting the exterior of City Hall.
- 5405-CA Credit Management (pdf)
The purpose of this policy is to establish standards for credit management, to minimize the cost of collecting accounts receivable, and to maximize the collection of revenue and cash flow for which credit is granted. This policy also establishes credit granting, invoicing, collection, and write off standards and provides direction for the protection of City resources and management of financial risk.
- 3608-CA Snow & Ice (pdf)
This policy outlines standards for snow and ice clearing on City Assets in which is in alignment with City Council's Integrated & Accessible Transportation Policy PS-A-2.2.