Revenue Sources
Property Taxes are used to fund services like emergency services, parks and trails, road maintenance, recreation centres, police, street lights and transit.
Utility User Fees ensure The City can maintain, replace, administer and operate infrastructure to deliver utility services, including electricity, water, wastewater, garbage and recycling.

Net Municipal Taxes (Property Taxes)
Net Municipal Taxes (Property Taxes)The municipal portion of all property taxes and grants in place, levied, or collected under Municipal Government Act (MGA).

Utility User Fees
Utility User FeesIncludes utility user fees like transit revenue, electric transmission recovery, facility user fees, equipment and facility rentals, and parking. Typically used to fund related department activities (e.g., utility user fees fund utility operation).

User Fees & Sales of Goods & Services
User Fees & Sales of Goods & ServicesSales and user charges are revenue from sales of goods and services to individuals, organizations or other governments. Examples of this revenue are land sales revenue, utility service charges, and user fees for city owned recreation facilities.

Operating Government Transfers
Operating Government TransfersOperating grants received from federal, provincial, and local governments.

Franchise Fees
Franchise FeesFranchise fees are revenue from franchise or concession agreements whereby The City contracts a service which would provide to a franchise or holder in return for a percentage of gross sales or retail revenue. One example of this revenue is ATCO gas franchise fee.

Contributed Assets
Contributed AssetsThese are non-cash revenue assets contributed by third parties such as developers. The cost of the contributed asset is considered equal to its fair value at the date of contribution.

Fines & Penalties
Fines & PenaltiesPenalties are revenue from penalties and interest charges to tax roll, water, and sewer charges.
Fines are revenue from an infraction or uncontested infraction of a law or a bylaw of the municipality.

Investment income
Investment incomeInvestment income are revenue resulting from short term and long term investments.

Other Revenue
Other RevenueThe major items within this category are:
- Transmission Admin Recovery for ELP Dept (revenue from Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) - the electric system operator in Alberta)
- Rent/Lease Recreation Facility, Buildings, equipment, land, food services and poles
The minor items will be:
- work for 3rd Party
- Sanitary Revenue (disposal station usage)
- locker income
- Insurance and Advertising recoveries
- event cost recovery
- sponsorships
- donations

Licenses & Permits
Licenses & PermitsLicenses and permits: are revenue from the issuance of municipal licenses and permits.