When constructing a new commercial or industrial building, The City does a thorough review to ensure the building complies with the bylaw regulations and is compatible with surrounding developments. The application is reviewed by several different departments to help the developer with the connection of services (utilities), access points, pedestrian connections, landscaping requirements, etc.
The City offers pre-development meetings where we can meet with your project team to discuss the proposal before submission of a development permit. All departments who review the development permit attend the meeting and provide valuable preliminary feedback on the project. There are two levels of meeting: first is when you only have a concept plan available, and second where preliminary plans are (80% complete) available. Please email development@reddeer.ca if you would like to set up a pre-development meeting.
Different zonings have different regulations for size, placement, height, etc. Please review the regulation table for the appropriate district where your development is located. Part 5 and Part 6 of the bylaw apply to commercial and industrial zonings.