
The City of Red Deer is preparing for possible drought conditions this spring and summer. Learn how The City if preparing and the role you can play.
Current conditions
Updated March 5, 2024

Currently, The City’s water source is at normal levels for this time of year and no immediate actions are required. 

  • The Government of Alberta is predicting a drought risk in the southern part of the province and the South Saskatchewan River basin, which includes the Red Deer River.  
  • City staff continue to monitor the situation and will be engaged in further information sharing and relevant planning activities with the Government of Alberta and other Red Deer River key stakeholders to provide appropriate responses if needed.
  • Mountain snowpack is the source of much of Red Deer’s water through the summer. March to April is when the mountains typically receive the most snow, so it’s possible snowpack will increase over the next few weeks.
    • Snoki Lodge mountain range snow pillow is within normal range above the lower quartile
    • Limestone Ridge mountain range snow pillow is well above normal 
  • Reservoir storage in the Red Deer River, the Gleniffer Reservoir, is below the normal range. Dickson Dam continues to release water at a normal flow for this time of year.
  • The City is participating with the provincial Drought Command Team in a water licence workshop, which involved major water licence holders to negotiate water sharing agreements. Water licence holders will be asked to voluntarily take less water in order to ensure that there is water available for as many users as possible.