Volunteer Opportunities

Citizens on Patrol

If you want to get out on the streets, talk to business owners, and help the RCMP and Community Peace Officers by keeping your eyes and ears on the community, Citizens on Patrol (COP) might be for you.

Working with RCMP, Red Deer COP is aimed at reducing crime through the active participation of citizens. Crime prevention and reduction are a problem for everyone in our community, not only our law enforcement agencies, who cannot be everywhere at once. By working with COP, volunteers are taking responsibility for helping to keep the community safe by acting as the eyes and ears of the community.

COP volunteers go through a stringent background check, and thorough training to ensure that they are equipped with the skills needed to be safe and successful while on patrol. Patrolling in groups, COP is striving to make a difference in Red Deer’s downtown areas as they report suspicious activity, converse with area business owners, promote RCMP programs, and work toward ensuring that Red Deerians feel safe and welcome in all areas of our community.

Ongoing Training and Personal Safety

Throughout the year, there are several opportunities for upgraded training for COP members, which will help to ensure that they are prepared to face a variety of situations.  Safety training is completed by every volunteer before they begin patrols, and the RCMP is aware every time that patrols are out, and the locations where they are patrolling.


You can join Citizens on Patrol by calling the Central Alberta Crime Prevention Centre at 403-986-9904.

Victim Services

If you have a knack for caring, volunteering with Victim Services may be the perfect fit for you.

Victim Services advocates provide support, information and referrals on scene and/or over the phone to victims of crime and to individuals or groups impacted by a traumatic event (ex. sudden death). Advocates work in an office in the downtown Red Deer detachment, located at 4602 – 51 Avenue.

For more information, please call Red Deer Victim Services at 403-406-2345.