Intersection Cameras
Red Light & Intersection Speed Cameras
The City of Red Deer uses red light cameras as a tool to help reduce the number of vehicles running red lights. The camera takes photographs of license plates of vehicles that enter the intersection against a red signal.
In accordance with the Government of Alberta's Automated Traffic Enforcement program, The City of Red Deer has ceased the use of the intersection speed cameras which ticketed speeding infractions. The Intersection Safety Device cameras will remain monitoring intersection for red light violations and tickets will continue to be issued. This change was implemented in February of 2025
Red light cameras are located at ten high-collision intersections throughout the city. Signage indicates the intersection has cameras. Cameras are in operation at all times in the following ten locations:
- 32 St. – 30 Ave. eastbound
- 30 Ave. - 32 St. southbound
- 50 St. – 30 Ave. eastbound
- 30 Ave. - 50 St. northbound
- 49 St. – 49 Ave. northbound
- 76 St. – 50 Ave. northbound
- 59 St. – 50 Ave. southbound
- 32 St. – Taylor Drive southbound
- 67 St. – 50 Ave. northbound
- 32 St. – 50 Ave. southbound
Tickets are issued through the mail to the registered vehicle owner. Because the owner may not have been the offending driver, no demerit points are assessed. The image shows the vehicle's rear license plate only - not its driver or occupants.