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RCMP News Release

Red Deer RCMP Urge Community to Register for CAPTURE Program

July 14, 2023 11:25 AM

With the increase of weekend getaways and summer vacations it is important to be proactive. You can help protect your property, your family, and your community by registering your security camera(s) with the CAPTURE Program (Community Assisted Policing Through Use of Recorded Evidence). CAPTURE is a voluntary camera registry that records the locations of security cameras in Red Deer. The purpose of CAPTURE is to build a registry of private security camera locations to assist in police investigations. Often, security cameras capture evidence that can be used to solve a crime. If an incident happens, Red Deer RCMP can view the list of camera locations, and contact the registered camera owners. By providing the Red Deer RCMP with the location of your security cameras, you could be helping to shorten the required time for investigations and providing key information to ensure people responsible for crime are held responsible.

To securely register your camera(s), visit

