Traffic – Parking Stall Reservation & Hoarding

Permits are issued at the Engineering Services department (403-342-8158) when a temporary closure is required in order to accommodate the construction or maintenance of a property. There is a charge for this service based on the size of the requirement and the length of time of the closure.

  • A full or partial road, sidewalk and/or lane closure (hoarding)
  • Parking stall closure
  • City owned parking lot stalls

Parking Stall Reservation

To have a parking stall reserved, please contact the Engineering Services department at 403-342-8158. They will require the location of the parking stall to be reserved and the duration the reservation. Applicable charges will apply.


Hoarding is another term for using a portion of the sidewalk, laneway or roadway for a temporary period to accommodate construction or maintenance of a property. There is a charge for this service based on the size of the hoarding and the length of time you wish to use it.

For more information, please refer to the Traffic Bylaw 3707/2025 (pdf).

Please contact the Inspections & Licensing department for permits associated with parades, races and block parties.