This amenity is operated by River Bend Golf and Recreation. Click here to visit their website for the most up-to-date information.
xDiscovery Canyon

Please note the walking trail on top of the lazy river is temporarily closed after an annual inspection found structural deficiencies on the bridge portion of the trail. In the spring of 2023, the bridge was removed and is in the process of being replaced. We anticipate reopening this section of the trail in the spring of 2024. There are signs in place to notify pedestrians and Discovery Canyon water park users of the closure. The trail closure and bridge removal will not impact Discovery Canyon operations; however, guests are reminded to use caution and stay away from the closed area and children must be supervised at all times.
Discovery Canyon is located along the Red Deer River, 3.5 km north of the 30 Avenue and 67 Street roundabout in the River Bend Golf and Recreation Area.
The Site
This free play area features:
- natural river-fed bubbling pools of water
- tube floating
- trickling rivulets
- a wading pool
- accessible beach and boardwalk
- picnic tables
- concession
- accessible washrooms and showers
- nature themed playground
- RV and large vehicle parking is not permitted
This amenity is operated by the River Bend Golf & Recreation Society and is open to the general public of all ages and abilities. Information on amenity services, hours of operation, dates and times are available on the River Bend Golf & Recreation Area website or contact the River Bend Golf and Recreation Area at 403-343-6341 ext. 105.