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Job Seekers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Job resources

Job application tips
  • Postings close at 11pm on the date listed.
  • Ensure that the information you provide in your application is correct and true to the best of your knowledge and that you have listed all previously and currently held positions where the experience gained relates to the position that you are applying for.
  • Visit the website on the same day each week to ensure that you don’t miss a posting. We post for a minimum of 5 business days.
  • If you need to update your application for any reason, click on the “Apply Now” button in the posting and follow the steps.

Applying for jobs

I've found a job I'm interested in. How do I apply online?
  • Go to our website:
  • Click on "Careers"
  • Click on "Search our Jobs"
  • Click on the Position Title of the posting that you wish to apply on.
  • Click on the "Apply Now" button.
  • You can choose "Resume Upload" to upload your resume saved on your computer or mobile device or "No Resume" and use the supplied template to create your resume.
  • Answer the questionnaire and additional questions.
  • Click "Submit Application".
  • You application has been successfully submitted when you receive notification that your application has been accepted and you receive an application confirmation email.
I've found a job I'm interested in. How do I apply in person?
  • Drop off your resume at City Hall in the provided envelope. Make sure to complete the fields on the front of the envelope.
I have missed the deadline for a position. Can I still apply?

We are unable to accept applications after the posting has closed.

When do I need to submit my application for a posted job?

Every employment opportunity has a closing date indicated in the box on the right-hand side of the posting. Your application must be received by the closing date. We are unable to consider applications received after that date.

Can two people use the same email address to apply?

The email address is used as a unique identifier, so two people can't use the same email address to apply. We suggest one person obtains a new email address from a free service like Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail.

What are the advantages of applying online?
  • Applying online is a very effective way of quickly getting your information and resume to the right people within The City of Red Deer.
  • You are required to answer job-related questions for all online postings and these questions can ONLY be answered online.
  • The process is quick and simple.
  • You can self-identify if you are a current or previous employee of The City of Red Deer.
  • You can update your application at any time so that your information is most up to date.
What if I don't apply online?

Candidates can apply online or drop off a resume at City Hall. When dropping off a resume, you will need to know the job that you are applying on and the ID number.

If I do not have a computer to apply online, are there places that give the public access to computers?

Red Deer Public Libraries provides free public access to computers. They have three locations:

  • GH Dawe Community Centre – 56 Holt Street
  • Downtown Branch – 4818 49 Street
  • Timberlands Branch – 300 Timothy Drive
What can I do to improve my chances of finding employment with The City of Red Deer?

Every competition is considered separately. The number of positions you apply for does not increase your opportunity for being hired. We encourage applicants to tailor their resume and cover letter to the position that they are applying on and highlight how their education and qualifications align with the position.

Does the City of Red Deer hire seasonal workers?

Yes. Our seasonal and summer jobs postings can be found on our website in the spring.

Is volunteer work considered in the selection process?

Volunteer work related to the position applied for is also recognized as being a valuable addition to an applicant’s work history. Relevant volunteer work should be included on the resume.

Where can I get an application form?

We do not use application forms. Candidates can apply online or drop off a resume at City Hall. When dropping off a resume, you will need to know the job that you are applying on and the ID number.

Using the Online Application

Do I need a resume file with my online application?

When applying online, you have the option of uploading an existing resume or inputting your information into the template.

Can I apply for more than one job at a time?

Each job posting requires a separate application. You will need to repeat the application process for each posting.

How do I update a specific job application?

If you would like to update your application, you can resubmit an application by going through the same steps that you went through to originally apply on the posting.

How do I submit a general application?

We do not accept general applications. You will need to apply on each posting that is of interest to you.

How do I know that a question is required?

It will have a red asterisk (*) beside it.

My Application

What can I expect after submitting an application?

You will receive a confirmation email indicating that you have successfully applied on the posting.

How are applications assessed?

All applications are assessed based on the qualifications of the position that they are applying on. If a position is part of a union, we have to take into account the requirements of the collective agreement.

When will I be contacted?

Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Will all hiring managers in The City of Red Deer be able to see my information?

No. Only the hiring manager for the posting that you applied for will be able to see your information.

Preparing for the Interview

The Interview

If you have been contacted for an interview, congratulations! As part of your preparation, you may wish to do one or all of the following: 

  • Review or print the job posting you applied to.
  • Review your skills and experience that relate to the position you applied to.
  • Familiarize yourself with Behaviour Descriptive interview questions.
  • Familiarize yourself with the STAR Method described in the "Preparing your Responses" category below.

The interview gives you and the interview team a chance to evaluate whether you have the knowledge, qualifications and skills that would make you highly successful in your new job. Interview questions will include a blend of both Performance Based and Behaviour Descriptive questions. Each competition has the same set of questions and rating scale.

Performance Based Interview Questions

Performance based questions outline a job-related situation, scenario or challenge and ask the candidate what they would do. The questions require candidates to demonstrate their knowledge, qualifications, and skills to address typical job scenarios. Candidate responses are scored using a performance-based evaluation method that determines to what degree your response is acceptable and complete.

Sample Performance Based Questions by Position
 Position TitleSample Questions
Administrative Assistant You arrive at work at 8 a.m. Your Director has a meeting at 8:30 a.m., and the meeting agenda hasn’t been completed. You also notice several emails and voice messages that need to be addressed. How would prioritize your workload for the morning?
Labourer In the Parks Laborer 1 role, you would be involved in providing a public service. You may at times be approached by a member of the public and asked various questions such as the reasoning and justification for the tasks you are performing.  How would you handle this situation?
Engineer You may be responsible for managing projects in which you may have little or no technical expertise. Describe your process for successfully delivering these types of projects.
Management One of your employees is experiencing a personal problem, and it is starting to affect job performance. What course of action would you take?
Transit Operator Tell us what you would do if an emergency situation occurred with your bus.
Behaviour Descriptive Interview Questions

Behaviour descriptive interview questions are based on the principle that the best predictor of future performance is past behaviour. The questions require candidates to isolate specific experiences from their past and describe them in detail. Depending on the response, probing questions may be asked for additional details and clarification.

Sample Behavioural Descriptive Questions by Position
 Position TitleSample Questions
Administrative Assistant Tell us about a time you were asked about something confidential by someone who was not authorized to know the information. How did you handle the request? What was the result?
Labourer Sometimes due to weather or delays you can find yourself with nothing to do. Can you tell us about a time you had nothing to do at the work site and what you did?
Engineer Tell us about the most challenging engineering project that you have been involved with in the past couple years. What was so challenging about this project, and what lessons did you take away from it?
Management Please tell us about a time when you had to implement a new policy, procedure or process. What steps did you take to implement the change? What was the outcome?
Transit Operator Tell us about a time you were dealing with an adult or child who was misbehaving or had behavioural challenges. How did you resolve the situation?
Preparing your Responses

When preparing your responses to behaviour descriptive interview questions, we recommend using the STAR method. This is a logical way to provide the interview team the information they are looking for.

  • Situation - Describe a situation you were involved in. The situation can be from a previous job, a volunteer experience, school, or any other relevant event.
  • Task - Describe the tasks that were involved in the situation.
  • Action - What actions did you take? Focus on and highlight your individual actions or contributions even if you were working as part of a team.
  • Result - What results were achieved due to your actions?

Thank you for your application, we look forward to meeting you at the interview!

Available Careers

Below are our newest postings. Please Search our Jobs to view all our current positions.

Heavy Equipment Technician - TERM

Closing Date: Oct 25, 2024

The Opportunity:

The City of Red Deer is currently recruiting for a Heavy Equipment Technician to fill a 24-month term position.  The Heavy Equipment Technician is responsible fo...

Heavy Equipment Technician - PFT

Closing Date: Oct 25, 2024

The Opportunity:

The City of Red Deer is currently recruiting for a Heavy Equipment Technician to fill a permanent full-time position.  The Heavy Equipment Technician is responsibl...