Spark Grant

Would you like to spark a connection with your neighbours and within your community? Funded by the Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), the Spark Grant provides a matching grant to help you build relationships and get to know your neighbours. Applications must include 3 or more households interested in participating in the project, and applicants can apply for funding at any time.
image of sparks from fireworks

Spark grant funding is expended for 2024 and applications are no longer being accepted. We are pleased to support 23 different community projects and look forward to accepting applications again in 2025.

Be Part of Our Great Neighbours Initiative

The Spark Grant provides funding support for you to connect with your neighbours and your community as part of our Great Neighbours initiative, which aims to help neighbours get to know one another better. Funded by the Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), the Spark Grant is your opportunity to:

  • Build Relationships - Create opportunities for neighbours to connect, especially neighbours who are new or haven't interacted in the past. Examples: block parties, clean-up parties.
  • Provide Social Offerings - Share residents' skills and knowledge within the community. Examples: free yoga session, community kitchen.
  • Build Sense of Ownership and Pride - Examples: historical tour of neighbourhood, community clean-up of invasive species in a local greenspace.
  • Respect and Celebrate Diversity - Examples: multicultural fashion show, storytelling project that involves seniors and youth, cost-free acrylic workshop open to all ages and skill levels.

Spark Grant Requirements:

Applicants may apply for funding at anytime. Monthly intake of applications is the 10th day of each month, with notification of grant approval by the 20th day of the same month. Projects must be feasible and ready to begin within 1-2 months from notification. Projects must begin after notification and will not be funded retroactively. Capital expenditures are not eligible under the Spark Grant, and each individual is limited to receive one Spark Grant per calendar year as the primary contact of a project.

Spark Grants require a matching contribution. All applications must demonstrate an equal or greater matching portion of contributions from the community. Note: volunteer time, cash, donated professional services, donated materials and supplies are eligible for community matching.


Spark Grant Reporting:

Within 30 days after the date of your project, successful grant recipients must complete and submit the Spark Grant Reporting: Project Self-Assessment. This report provides an opportunity for us to learn more about your project and the difference you have made. It is also a great opportunity for you to share more about your project, any stories you may have, and what you have learned!

FCSS Spark Grant Project Self-Assessment (pdf)

Visit our Grants web page to see other funding opportunities administered or offered through The City of Red Deer.