Red Deer RCMP are conducting a positive ticketing campaign to encourage children and youth to practice good citizenship.
Community Policing members are handing out ‘positive tickets’ to children and youth demonstrating safety and good citizenship in the community. The program gives the opportunity for police to engage with youth in a positive manner and build relationships in our community.
“We hand out ‘positive tickets’ to youth doing good deeds in the community. This could be something as simple as holding a door open for an elderly person, using a crosswalk to cross the street, or wearing a helmet at the skate park,” said Corporal Mike Evans of the Red Deer RCMP’s Community Policing team.
As a positive reinforcement for good behaviour, members are giving out coupons for a free taco from Taco Monster, which were donated to the Red Deer RCMP.
“We want to give a big thanks to Taco Monster for donating the coupons,” said Evans. “Their support shows great commitment to safety and wellness in our community.”
The positive tickets are redeemable for one free Taco Monster taco at the Market Kitchen in Gasoline Alley.
Media contact:
Red Deer RCMP