Red Deer, Alta. – In support of National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day on Dec. 3, members of Red Deer RCMP’s Traffic Unit were out conducting multiple high-visibility check stops to identify and remove impaired drivers from Red Deer’s roadways.
As a result of the check stops, 381 breath samples were obtained and 10 motorists were removed from the roadway for either contravening alcohol requirements of their licences, or for failing roadside drug and alcohol screenings. Four licence suspensions were issued under Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS) Fail program for drivers having a blood alcohol concentration equal to or exceeding 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, or failing or refusing to provided a sample of their breath.
“These check stops are an important tool in removing dangerous drivers off our roadways,” said Sgt. Michael Zufferli of Red Deer RCMP Traffic Unit. “This holiday season, we want to make sure everyone has a happy holiday by getting home safe.”
This check stop kicked off the holiday season impaired driving detection campaign for Red Deer RCMP. Officers and check stops will be placed throughout Red Deer from now into the New Year, placing extra focus on impaired drivers. Red Deer RCMP also encourages the public to report suspected impaired drivers. If you see someone driving dangerously, please call 911.