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Upgrades to Woody’s Athletic Park begin next week

June 20, 2024 11:12 AM
(Red Deer, Alberta)

New track sub-surface and rubber overlay, curbing and barrier-free pedestrian access are all part of the upcoming construction project at Woody’s Athletic Park. On June 26 construction crews will begin mobilizing at the athletic park next to Lindsay Thurber High School to begin the nearly three-month project.

“The upgrades to the park will help us to achieve World Athletics Certification, providing more opportunity to attract large scale track and field events to our community,” said Kristin Walsh, Safe & Healthy Communities Manager. “Woody’s Athletic Park already hosts many local competitions, but with the upgrades, there will be an opportunity to host provincial, national, even international events right here in Red Deer.”

The first phase of the project will see the existing rubber surface removed to repair and resurface 40-year-old sub-surface, as well as the construction of barrier-free pedestrian pathways to access the park. This phase is anticipated to take about a month. Once complete, the asphalt will sit for about two weeks as a requirement of the new synthetic topcoat surface.

The second phase will begin in August, and it will include the rubber overlay on the track as well as curbing on the inside of turns. The new rubber overlay will be red, rather than the current black surface. Construction is anticipated to be complete by September 15.

“Aside from not being able to access the athletic park during construction, there will be minimal impact to the community,” said Curtis Martinek, Facilities & Asset Management Superintendent. “There may be minor disruptions in the initial set up of the construction access at the start, and intermittent traffic interruptions as construction equipment accesses the site throughout the project.”

The user groups who regularly book the track during the summer have found alternate locations to train and compete this year during the closure.

Woody’s Athletic Park is maintained and booked by The City of Red Deer. The total budget for this project is $1.45 million. The project is funded by The City of Red Deer, Red Deer Public School Division, Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools, Red Deer Titans Track & Field Club, and sponsorship.

The renaming of the amenity to Woody’s Athletic Park occurred in 2023, following a financial contribution by long-time resident, Woody Paylor. Permanent signage featuring the new name will be installed throughout the construction project.

To follow along with the construction project, visit .

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