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First reading given to proposed changes to Red Deer’s Vehicles for Hire bylaw

April 15, 2024 2:38 PM
(Red Deer, Alberta)

City Council gave first reading to proposed changes to the vehicle for hire bylaw at their regular meeting today.

The current bylaw was implemented in 2021, following the introduction of Transportation Network Companies (TNC) and rideshare companies in Red Deer. Following a review of the bylaw, along with extensive public and stakeholder engagement and previous Council direction, administration is recommending a new bylaw that includes the following revisions:

  • Eliminating the cap on Taxi Plates, which is currently set to one plate per every 750 people and one per 15,000 for accessible plates, based on the most recent census data.
  • Replacement of age-based restrictions for vehicles with mileage restrictions and quality standards
  • Removing the drop rates for taxis
  • Simplification of licensing process
  • Reduction of Driver’s Abstract from a 5-year to a 3-year abstract

“The proposed amendments to this bylaw are a result of our continuous efforts to enhance transportation services in our community. These changes are designed to support our city’s ability to provide dependable transportation options, especially during special events,” said Amy Fengstad, Parking and Licensing Supervisor. “Our goal is to strike a balance between industry demands and customer priorities, such as addressing concerns like reducing wait times, which has been identified as an issue for Red Deerians.”

There is no statutory public hearing required for the bylaw adoption. Second and third readings are scheduled for the next regular Council meeting on April 29.

Feedback from members of the public must be received by Friday, April 19 at 4:30 p.m. and can be sent by email to Legislative Services,

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