Climate Change Adaptation Plan

Recent experiences such as floods and severe weather events suggest that climate change is a serious issue facing Canadian municipalities. We are creating a corporate climate change adaptation plan to assess, prepare for and adapt to predicted climate related impacts.

This climate change project focuses only on The City of Red Deer's own corporate (as opposed to community) climate change impacts. Responsible management of city facilities and resources is a top concern for us as we strive to be able to effectively deal with change, minimize risks, and bounce back quickly if something severe happens.

Red Deer’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan is being developed in two parts. Part 1 (pdf) contains the plan’s overall goals, the anticipated climate change impacts facing Red Deer and broad groupings/themes of response actions. It was accepted by City Council on March 17, 2014.

Part Two is currently being developed and will provide detailed actions under each major theme. It will provide prioritization and implementation strategies around protecting assets and investments from damage, and securing our natural and built infrastructure to the best of our ability.